[INFO] Rare commodities

Rare goods are unique commodities, exclusive to certain markets and available only in limited quantities. Unlike normal goods, their value always increases the further they are sold from their station of origin, reaching a maximum price 200 light-years away.

There are a total of 140 rare goods in the game, classified by category:

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🍖 Foods
Aepyornis Egg

Originally referred to as Elephant birds, these behemoths were brought out of extinction using preserved genetic material found on ancient Earth. With some careful genetic modification (before the process of gene modification was outlawed), they were adapted to thrive in a dense, oxygen-rich Cetian atmosphere. They lay prized eggs with a circumference of over a meter.

Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat

Specially adapted to the cold climate, these enormous animals, originally created from modified genetic material from ancient Earth, are now flourishing on Quechua. The albino form has been encouraged to dominance due to the tenderness of their flesh.

Any Na Coffee

Once sneered at as a cheap substitute, this product has gained cult status from its overly thick texture and bitter flavour from the roots and herbs that it is made of. It is an acquired taste that now appeals to the Bohemian set.

Arouca Conventual Sweets

The monastic orders of Arouca live a secluded and peaceful life producing, among other things, a limited range of Conventual sweets. Each come with a personalised blessing.

Azure Milk

Harvested from native mammals found in Leesti, this highly nourishing and rehydrating drink is favoured in arid and desert worlds.

Baked Greebles

These tough, limpet like creatures were originally thought to be inedible. However, pioneering colonists discovered that a combination of high pressure and chemical treatment in an ammonia-based solution could render these iron rich creatures into a digestible and delicious food source. They are now considered a delicacy around their galaxy.

Baltah'sine Vacuum Krill

Vacuum Krill are astonishing creatures. One of the few species to live in the hard vacuum of space, they are native to the ice rings around Baltah'sine 4b. Their eggs grow in vast numbers in tiny water pockets within the rocks - kept liquid by secretions from the mother when the eggs are first laid. When mature, they eventually burrow their way out, propelling themselves between rocks with tiny excretions of fluid, in search of a mate.

CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee

The coffee beans are mellowed in the digestive tract of the indigenous giant cats making for a distinctive and unique aftertaste, many have tried to emulate this chemically and physically however the result to date have been inferior if not disastrous.

Ceremonial Heike Tea

Super fine green tea. Powdered for use in tea ceremonies, this tea is often used to seal treaties and business deals. It is traditionally ground on granite mills by specially selected millers, chosen for their moral purity.

Ceti Rabbits

For years 47 Ceti suffered from rodents, introduced from Earth, decimating crops. However, they have turned this to their advantage and now farm them in great numbers as the local environment makes the meat curiously sweet.

Chi Eridani Marine Paste

A unique mix of zooplankton and phytoplankton from the rich and varied oceans of Chi Eridani. Due to the automated trawling process, it may include any number of other marine creatures that happened to wander into the processor.

Coquim Spongiform Victuals

Spongiform Victuals have been a staple food of the Imperial military for years. Many have tried to create copies of the nutritious formula, but it seems only to thrive in the vast damp caves of Coquim. The ingredients are a tightly held secret, and some suggest that it contains addictive substances.

Deuringas truffles

More of a lichen than the fungus that they resemble. They have a similar musty flavor to ancient Earth truffles, but the process of metabolising Deuringas's surface - which is why Deuringas truffles must be shaved in preparation for eating.

Diso Ma Corn

This ancient corn-like crop is harvested manually to preserve the dust-like coating on the seeds. This dust is traditionally snorted from the corn as a chef's treat.

Eden Apples Of Aerial

A native plant that bears fruit resembling an apple with a silver lustre. Originally inedible, but through genetic modification the neurotoxins have been stripped away leaving what is now seen as a delicacy.

Esuseku Caviar

After being discovered in an ancient gene bank, the last of the cryogenically stored Sturgeon eggs were purchased for an undisclosed, but reliable enormous sum. After the long search for an appropriate environment, they were introduced to the waters of Esuseku, and to their owner's relief, hatched and established a breeding colony. The ancient fish continues to thrive in the waters of Esuseku making it the primary producer of caviar in known space.

Ethgreze Tea Buds

These tea buds have to be hand plucked from the dangerous Ethgreze Carnivorous Camellia Sinensis plants. Only those with sharp reflexes make it through their first season without losing fingers or entire hands to the deadly fast plants. Due to the danger in collecting it, this tea is famously expensive.

Giant Irukama Snails

Despite appearances, the species discovered on Irukama are not strictly snails. These indigenous creatures almost destroyed Irukama's native habitat over their sole predator was culled, due to the threat it posed to human settlers. Now actively managed, the surplus stock is sold on as a delicacy. The meat from a single snail can easily fill several standard-size cargo canisters.

Goman Yaupon Coffee

This once traditional coffee substitute leapt to fame when the Emperor Hengist Duval gave it his seal of approval.

Haiden Black Brew

Brewed over a low heat for days, this tea is comprised of fine mineral shavings, rather than traditional leaves. This mineral based tea is high in salts and nutritious metals. Over consumption of this has been known to temporarily cause the drinker's skin to take a metallic hue.

Helvetitj Pearls

Oysters have been one of the more successful adaptors with their rapid genetic modification. Due to the chemicals in the waters the oysters of Helvetitj produce a range of vividly coloured but natural pearls which are in high demand for decorative purposes, but are valued as a food source as well.

HIP 10175 Bush Meat

A wide range of strong-tasting exotic meats native to HIP 10175, famed for its hunting and natural environment. One commonality between all the available species is a strange spicing flavor. This is believed to be due to the rich local ecosystem. Restricted trade has brought high prices.

HIP Proto-Squid

Though there is no genetic link between the huge creatures of HIP 41181 and the now extinct squid once found on ancient Earth, the evolutionary similarities are remarkable. Perhaps they share some ancient space faring ancestor. There was much protest at the use of these animals as food. Claims of sentience still remain high on the agenda of those trying to stamp out the trade.

HR 7221 Wheat

This blood-red, grain-like plant - sometimes known as 'Mars Grass' - has proven itself to be terribly invasive and highly aggressive to all other plant types. For this reason, its growth is now restricted to HR 7221. Its restriction has proved a blessing as its unique colouring and flavour are in demand in exotic cookery.

Jaroua Rice

Grown in the paddy fields of Jaroua, bioengineered filter fish are used to remove any pests or parasites attached to the plant. It is hand-planted and hand-picked by specially engineered robots.

Karsuki Locusts

Prized for their uniquely sweet flavor caused by the native fungal parasites that infest them.

Live Hecate Sea Worms

Harvested from hydrothermal vents and prized for the sulphurous salty flavour. They are best eaten live to ensure freshness.

Mechucos High Tea

Mechucos high tea is so named for the dizzying highs caused by its consumption. Most users recommend restricting consumption to specific times of the day, and only with a side plate of restorative sandwiches and cakes.

Mokojing Beast Feast

Marketed as 'the galaxy's most dangerous cereal', with a tagline imploring the consumer to 'eat it before it eats you', Beast Feast claims to contain trace elements of over two hundred and twenty three confirmed man-eater species, allowing consumers to 'eat their way to the top of the food chain'.

Mukusubii Chitin-Os

The chitinous native insects of nearby worlds are processed using industrial mining equipment, then re-constituted into convenient circles. Marketed as a food for those who like a little crunch.

Mulachi Giant Fungus

The fungal life forms found in Mulachi can grow to occupy entire continents! Specifically trained teams are sent to the planet's surface to industrially harvest large portions of the fungal structures, but workers must be wary of the deadly fungal spores.

Neritus Berries

This native plant form produces clear red fruit with a unique flavor. The plant is carnivorous and the berries contain blood plasma from its victims which is said to be an aid to slimming.

Ochoeng Chillies

Due to the relaxation of various genetic modification laws, Ochoeng prides itself on having produced the galaxy's hottest chilli pepper. There have been numerous calls to reclassify the substances as toxic, however the produce remains legal in most systems.

Orrerian Vicious Brew

This drink is so high in caffeine and Natural sugars that it is often classed as a Narcotic. The addictive properties and resulting sleep deprivation are famed.

Sanuma Decorative Meat

One of the most inventive of synthetic meat specialists, growing the meat into fabulous sculptures of flesh 'grown on the bone'.

Tanmark Tranquil Tea

An infusion of native herbs renowned for its sedative effects.

Uszaian Tree Grub

This grub was introduced to the system from Lave, in an attempt to create a wildlife reserve for endangered species. Unfortunately the grubs mutated and evolved in their new environment, and the project failed. The evolved grubs were found to have a delicious flavor and surprising texture, and have since become a delicacy.

Utgaroar Millennial Eggs

These eggs have been buried deep in the highly alkaline Utgaroarian soil around the many active geysers, where they are slowly cooked by the natural heat of the planet and take on a distinctive purple color and their prized bittersweet taste.

Void Extract Coffee

Brewed using particularly robust beans, the flavour and caffeine is extracted from the beans using custom technology. Harnessing the power of the vacuum of space to enrich comet water, the method creates a beverage noted for its potency.

Wheemete Wheat Cakes

These cakes were originally used as packing material for expensive machinery, but when plant owners realised they were edible, they soon became the workers staple diet. The wheat cakes produced today are made using the traditional recipe.

Witchhaul Kobe Beef

A traditional breed from the Tajima strain of wagyu cattle in Kobe in Japan on ancient Earth, they remain most pampered cattle in human space. Taken from Kobe before the Earth's serious environmental decline, the cattle are fed a secret mix of rare grains and brushed daily. Now unique to Witchhaul, this is one of the most priced meats there is.

LTT Hyper Sweet

Created by combining the DNA of the universe's sweetest crops, to create the sweetest substance of them all. It turns out it's highly addictive.

💊 Medicines
Aganippe Rush

A neurological stimulant only available in Aganippe. Often used to temporarily increase the user's memory retention and awareness, it is a favourite among students and scholars. Recent reports have revealed that excessive use and abuse of the compound has been linked with psychotic episodes and hallucinations.

Alya Body Soap

Guaranteed to give a cleaner you. The deep cleansing action works both inside and out, with this fully digestible soap! Rumoured to be made from Human fat.

Fujin Tea

A range of infusions from indigenous plants and herbs that produce highly effective medicines rivalling or exceeding the best synthetics. Ill-informed combinations have been known to be instantly fatal.

Honesty Pills

Originally created to be used in a religious ceremony, wherein an apostate is purified through forced confession, then repentance for their sins. The sect was soon infiltrated by corporate agents, and the psychoactive compound identified. The only secrets that has not been revealed by this drug are the ingredients for creating it, and the fate of the religious sect that discovered it.

Kachirigin Filter Leeches

Leeches were used medically for millennia on ancient Earth but were largely superseded by technology. Hundreds of years later, a chance discovery on Kachirigin revealed some very valuable properties of the native creatures. Kachirigin leeches can painlessly filter impurities from the user's blood, so can be used as a cure-all for hangovers and the worst effects of certain addictions. They are prized by the wealthy and hedonistic, and have an almost cult-like following.


These sophisticated pharmaceuticals use nanoscale materials to target disease far more efficiently than conventional medicine. The product of an ambitious R&D programme, they are developed by the technologically advanced community Utopia and exclusively distributed by Vandermeer Corporation in the Kuma system.

Pantaa Prayer Sticks

These sacred items are said to bring wealth and prosperity to all who inhale their smoke, as can be seen by how prosperous George Pantazis has become.

Tauri Chimes

These hand crafted wind chimes are specially tuned to stimulate a variety of spiritual and physical responses. They are known for helping people find inner peace, or direction, and are guaranteed to keep your chakras aligned.

Terra Mater Blood Bores

A potent physical stimulant produced using extracts of a native Terra Mater carnivorous plant. When added to the user's circulatory system, it allows a human to exert themselves far beyond their normal capabilities. The side effects are often permanent with increased likelihood of haemorrhaging and weight loss.

Waters of Shintara

The medical qualities of the mineral waters of Shintara are decried by many in the scientific community as nonsense. This has not stopped widespread rumours that water from the planet can cure almost any ailment, and even reverse the ageing process. The company that controls the source of this water are happy to allow the rumours to continue, and people all over the galaxy are willing to pay a small fortune for the real thing.

V Herculis Body Rub

Available in a variety of textures, this scrub can exfoliate just about anything!

Vega Slimweed

Initially thought to be a plant, settlers of the system would swallow it whole for its slimming and appetite reducing qualities. The revelation that the plant is actually a parasitic life form has not reduced its popularity. Those infested have reported a difficulty in removing the parasite once it has established, but the benefits include an immunity to certain biological poisons. The parasite must be purged before it begins to pupate.

🧽 Consumer Items
Alacarakmo Skin Art

Micro thin sheets that are absorbed into the skin. A mixture of bio engineering and microelectronics allow the user to program art on their skin that reacts to their surroundings and mood. The Body Decor company of Alacarakmo has specialised in this for hundreds of years.

Altairian Skin

A small colony of brightly coloured micro-organisms form a mesmerising, ever changing fashion statement. Capable of self-sustaining, the colony will feed on dirt and skin flakes, keeping the wearer clean and healthy. When mature, the micro-organisms lose their bright colors and excrete a heady natural perfume.

Bucky Ball Beer Mats

Double-sided drinks mats originally commissioned in 3302. One side bears the Buckyball Racing Club logo with the slogan 'Win it or bin it' while the other reads 'Celebrating 10000 rescues' and depicts the mascot of the Fuel Rats.

Crystalline Spheres

Transparent spheres crafted from the finest crystal and containing a clear liquid full of snow that swirls when shaken.


These robust personal computing devices, manufactured by technology company Herculean Machines, are used throughout the galaxy.

Eleu Thermals

In an age of manufactured goods, many prefer the expensive tradition of making things by hand. Eleu hand-knitted thermals, made from their own wool are the survival underwear of choice for cold climates.

Eshu Umbrellas

An anachronistic homage to a more civilized age becomes as symbol of wealth and tradition. Suppliers to the Empire and beyond.

Havasupai Dream Catcher

Re-live your dreams! This device can record, consolidate and replay the neural activity of dreams, allowing you to re-experience them whenever you desire, or even share your dreams with friends!

Jaques Quinentian Still

A pocket sized one shot distillery, hand crafted by the legendary Cyborg bartender Jaques. This device is capable of turning almost any combination of liquids into 10ml of highly concentrated alcohol in just 3 minutes.

Jaradharre Puzzle Box

This entertainment device uses concentrated radiation bursts to detect the desires of the player and automatically and instantly creates a game with every feature they could desire. Each unit is unique, and will self customise to represent its owner. Use of another person's puzzle box is considered a great social faux pas.

Jotun Mookah

A small soft-furred quadruped that stains its multi-colored fur sludge brown when it dies - an action that this highly nervous creature is predisposed to do at the drop of a hat. Professional comforters must work day and night to keep this creature from self induced heart attack. The meat is extremely bitter, but they have found a niche as an expensive accessory.

Karetii Couture

With the vagaries of fashion Karetii Couture is always ahead of the curve, and so are the prices. Many people question the value and the practicalities of these items and yet they still maintain a vice like grip on the public's imagination and credits.

Kinago Violins

Kinago is famed for its Luthiers producing the finest Violins and other stringed instruments. They are highly prized by both musicians and collectors throughout the galaxy.

Leathery Eggs

Advertised as genuine fossilised xeno ovum, scientists were quickly able to show that the eggs traded are actually the product of a team of highly talented prop designers. For some collectors, owning one of these eggs is their top priority, with all other priorities rescinded.

Momus Bog Spaniel

Famed for its inability to hunt through water, it makes such lifelike duck calls that some interesting cross breeds are now being researched.

Nguna Modern Antiques

Local craftsmen are specialists in bringing the past into your life crafted from authentically accurate materials, a mark of distinction.

Njangari Saddles

The Saddlers of Njangari are renowned for their leather work, and their motto: No job too big or too invertebrate. Whether simple domestic supplies or custom saddles and tack for some of the more exotic species in the galaxy, they are the very best.

Ophiuch Exino Artefacts

These strange sculptures are believed by some to have been created by a now extinct ancient sentient race. Others have theorised that the sculptures are a natural formation caused by local weather patterns. Most economists agree that there are massive profits made from the gullible and wealthy collectors.

Personal Gifts

Colourfully wrapped presents for those naughty and nice, although the nice ones do appear to be bigger.

Rajukru Multi-Stoves

Multipurpose stoves that can be operated using almost any fuel. Used on many frontier worlds where other technology cannot be relied on or just does not work. Galactic heritage approved. The famed rustic designs are in use on camp fires throughout the galaxy.

Shan's Charis Orchid

Named after its discoverer's late baby daughter, this rare and delicate member of the Orchidaceae family is famed for its short but spectacular flowering and for its exquisite aroma which lingers long in the memory after the flower itself has faded.

Soontill Relics

A slab of unidentified material covered in pictographs of an unknown origin. This relic is part of a cache of similar artefacts that were uncovered by explorers researching lost alien civilizations in the Soontil system. Sold by Garry's Reclamations, Cheranovsky City, Ngurii.

The Hutton Mug

Delivered over vast distances by those in search of a profit, the Hutton Mug, is only sold to Commanders who make the painfully long journey to Hutton Orbital. Made from the salvaged frame shift drive plates of ships that ran out of fuel before reaching the station, this is purely a vanity item commemorating the epic journey. Its value lies in its rarity and latent frame shift energies keeping your drink that little bit warmer for the journey.

Tiolce Waste2Paste Units

The original and best, turning all your waste into a nutritious and wholesome paste.

Ultra-Compact Processor Prototypes

These new processor prototypes have already demonstrated their versatility and capability. The combination of organic and nano fabrication makes them difficult to manufacture.

Uzumoku Low-G Wings

Have you ever wanted to fly? Uzumoku Low-G Wings provide you with enough lift and thrust to soar like a bird, and are practical and stylish from their discreet shoulder mounted unit! Sadly they can only function in suitable low G environments.

Vidavantian Lace

Specially engineered vines weave fine lace into intricate natural patterns. These highly fragile plants work slow and die if taken from their native environment.

Zeessze Ant Grub Glue

Stick anything to everything with this natural glue, made from the cocoons of indigenous insects. It is non-toxic and can be easily removed using a resin secreted by the queen ant.

🧪 Chemicals
Anduliga Fire Works

For earth shattering displays that will blow your mind. Perfect for atmospheric use, or deployed from orbit! Official suppliers to the Imperial Family.

Delta Phoenicis Palms

A truly organic pest eradication tool, these sterile plants can only be grown from cuttings. Their pollen is lethal to most insectoid life forms. Historically it used their body as a host to germinate. Note may cause hallucinations if workers are over-exposed.

HIP Organophosphates

The high phosphorous content of this powerful pesticide is highly effective, but can cause a number of highly dangerous side effects. This has led to some governments classifying it as a chemical weapon, and many independent agricultural worlds making taking legal action against the producer after cattle and workers have been left maimed.

Korro Kung Pellets

This exotic fertiliser is made from the crushed bodies of the native life forms siphoned from the nearby gas giants vast ammonia oceans in unsustainable quantities. It is reported to have invigorated even the most barren and arid of soils, but has also proved to be lethal to some crops.

Toxandji Virocide

Engineered to order, Toxandji Virocide can be created to target whatever pest or parasite is effecting your crops. This highly intelligent virus can be programmed to self terminate at the end of a season, or to hibernate in preparation for the next cycle.

🍸 Legal Drugs
Apa Vietii

A unique alcoholic spirit distilled by the crew of The Golconda, an ancient generation ship.

Gin de Serpent Bast

Traditional cure-all and cocktail ingredient. The venom of the snake entombed in the bottle adds to the intoxicating effect of the drink.

Distilled Bileux de Burnham

The use of 'donated' human bodily fluids in the distillation process for this potent liquor causes a strong variation in flavours from vintage to vintage, and widespread outcry about the ethics of the production. The producers of the drink report that each slave used agrees to the extraction progress, but this has not stopped some having a bitter taste left in their mouths.

Centauri Mega Gin

This chemical distillate is almost pure Alcohol, but with subtle, prized flavors. Often used as an ingredient in more dangerous cocktails. The exact details of the distillation process are a closely guarded secret.

Chateau De Aegaeon

Wines from Aegaeon are some of the most valued and prized possessions in the galaxy. In great demand in wealthy systems, these wines are purchased for large sums, but rarely actually drunk.

Fesh Argenté de Crom

A variant of the synthetic psychoactive drug based on a closely guarded secret recipe. While active, it causes the user to lock their teeth together and rapidly exhale, a reaction that led to its street name, Fesh. This variant was created from a stolen recipe for Wolf 1301 Fesh and is the closest Fesh variant in terms of quality to the original. Banned in most jurisdictions.

Eranin Pearl Whisky

Created to celebrate 30 years of Eranin independence in Alliance, this specially created whiskey was created in limited supply and is expected to increase in value over time.

Geawen Dance Dust

There may be no sound in space, but Geawen Dance Dust will bring the music inside your cockpit, and inside your head. You literally won't be able to stop dancing.

Gerasian Gueuze Beer

Geras 3 A supports life in the form of large algae like plankton, whose bioluminescent digestive system excretes a complex protein that can be used in the brewing process. The resulting beer is famous for it's strength, heady aroma, and luminescent color.

Rhum Marin Harma Silver

Based on a secret 24th Century recipe taken from the log of one Captain Smolenski, Harma Silver Sea Rum has been developed by blending a range of rare alcohols to create a beverage any corsair would be proud of. The Harma Silver Cartel, who manufacture and distribute the potent brew, enjoy the controversy their product has gleaned after it became a favourite among pirate gangs across the galaxy.

Indi Bourbon

Originally used as a medicine to revive those who have suffocated in dust storms, the restorative effects of this potent drink are almost as famous as the hangovers.

Kamitra Cigars

Providing the biggest cigars in the Galaxy, hand rolled and ready to smoke right out of the box. Specially treated to allow safe smoking even in the cockpit without overloading your life support module. The best way to end your days.

Kongga Ale

The hops of Kongga provide a deep, satisfying flavour to the locally brewed ale, but seem to wither and spoil rapidly when removed from their native climate. Due to this Kongga Ale is renowned for its authentic flavour and traditional production methods. Served at room temperature with a decorative umbrella.

Lavian Brandy

A highly valued liquor from the old world of Lave. Using ancient breeds of grains grown in it's tropical climate, under a permit from the government, the distillate is kept in old earth oak barrels and held in an orbital maturing facility for decades to achieve maximum richness.

Leestian Evil Juice

Leestian evil juice acquired its name from local security forces, claiming that those intoxicated with this powerful liquor seem to be possessed with a pure evil.

Tête d'Oignon Lucane

A genetically altered strain of the Onionhead flower, chemically changed to circumvent federal laws. This strain has been designed to survive in harsher climates, but its seeds contain the same well-known psychedelic narcotic. Federal lawmakers are working fast to legislate against this new breed.

Lyrae Weed

This infamous drug grown exclusively on 16 Lyrae 5 is still the narcotic of choice for overpaid celebrities and the super-rich. It has almost become more of a status symbol than a recreational drug.

Motrona Experience Jelly

A programmable narcotic created in small batches and pre-programmed to provide whatever experience the client wishes to hallucinate. Usually this drug is created only on a bespoke order from an unknown client, but some worlds are willing to sell Pre-programmed samples on the general market.

Onion head

The Onionhead flower is native to HIP 55118, and its seeds contain the well-known psychedelic narcotic. Illegal in most jurisdictions.

Alpha variety of Tête d'Oignon

A new and improved variety of the famous narcotic, Tête d'Oignon.

Tête d'Oignon Beta variety

A variety of Tête d'Oignon, a narcotic, designed to acclimatize to local conditions.

Pavonis Ear Grubs

Native to the harsh desert climate, these unpleasant creatures will burrow into any soft surface, including flesh, to avoid the sun. Their resemblance of a walking human ear lead to their name. Some slavers use these grubs as a restrainer for their captives, attaching a dormant extra ear to the forehead of their slave that can be remotely triggered.

Rusani Old Smokey

Guaranteed genuine non-synthetic tobacco. Fully certified as organic. The only harm done is to yourself.

Vin Saxon

A near-perfect replica of the mythical Cru 2093, which was produced on ancient Earth and unanimously declared to be the greatest wine ever bottled. Scientists at Hill Orbital Station have succeeded in recreating the famous vintage, a miracle whose recipe they jealously guard.

Tarach Spice

Made from crushed beetles, this mild euphoric drug has a number of side effects including turning the whites of addicts' eyes a subtle shade of green. Widely illegal, but favoured in many anarchic systems where the green eyes are seen as a badge of an extreme lifestyle.

Thrutis Cream

A curious mix of fermented Thrutis Giant Rat milk and raw turtle egg yolks produces a potent mix similar to Ancient Advocaat. Each bottle is provided with a ceremonial tasting spoon, to ease the pouring of this viscous, but delicious drink.

Wolf Fesh

A synthetic psychoactive drug based on a closely guarded secret recipe. While active, it causes the user to lock their teeth together and rapidly exhale, a reaction that led to its street name, Fesh. There are many poor imitations but Wolf 1301 Fesh is the original and remains the most expensive due to its consistent quality. Banned in most jurisdictions.

Wuthielo Ku Froth

Not strictly a beer, this light alcoholic beverage is made from fermented frog spawn which is then filtered through rush mats.

Yaso Kondi Leaf

A native plant that exhibits similar properties to tobacco, but without the harmful effects. Discovered through observing its effects on the local fauna.

🧬 Technology
AZ Cancri Formula 42

Formula 42 achieves incredible results, transforming even the most arid of desert worlds into fertile utopias. Beyond its name, all aspects of this product are kept under the highest secrecy. However, people don't ask questions when it delivers time and again.

Xihe Biomorphic Companions

We make the most realistic and exclusive animal companions using the latest technology and robotics, better than nature and guaranteed to last. Rigorous testing ensures that all our animals conform to the appropriate legislation on artificial intelligence.

🧦 Textiles
Banki Amphibian Leather

The native amphibian like creatures of Banki have a particularly colorful and lustrous skins, with a number of useful properties when wet. Highly valued on oceanic worlds.

Cuir de Raie de Belalans

Due to the particular chemical conditions of the water on Belalans, the rays have a particularly soft skin.

Chameleon fabric

Woven from living plants, the fabric created retains the native Flora's sympathetic camouflage. When worn the user will blend in with whatever their current environment is. Although considered for military applications, the low availability of the fabric, and the slow speed of the camouflage effect led to it being deemed inferior to technological camouflages.

Damna Carapaces

The hard colourful exoskeletons of large insect like creatures. Used as decoration and in the production of exotic materials and clothing.

Rapa Bao Snakeskin

Rapa Bao Snake skins are farmed throughout the Galaxy for their size and strength. The snakes are free-range and many workers have lost their lives whilst tending to this vital crop.

Synthetic silk from Tiegfries

Spun from atoms, using a number of interconnected particle colliders, this silk is almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

Vanayequi Ceratomorph fur

Genetically regressive rhinoceroses were originally introduced to Vanayequi to provide a reliable source of leather for nearby industries. The genetic modification was successful in reducing the animal's aggressive tendencies, but had unintended side effects. As the ceratomorphs returned to a more primitive state, they began growing soft, lush fur. This fur is now prized around the galaxy for its resilience and warmth.

🏹 Weapons
Borasetani Pathogenetics

These tiny crawling creatures have been called a lab in a bag. They exude tailored biological agents that adapt and mutate to overcome the defenses of their enemies. When deployed in large numbers they resemble a viscious yellow goo that slowly crawls over their victim devouring them completely. When there are no further nutrients to absorb the insects bocome dormant and can be recovered by specialy trained teams to be used again.

Gilyanes Custom Weapons

Leave your own personal mark with these highly customisable weapons, a speciality of the Gilya system. Leave no doubt about who put your victim to rest when using a Gilya Signature weapon. Illegal but highly prized in many jurisdictions. Being disarmed of your signature weapon is considered the greatest of humiliations.

HIP 118311 Swarm

Swarm is the codename of the weaponised form of the tiny but lethally poisonous biting insects native to HIP 118311. Manipulated by a control fluid, the weapons can be targeted onto enemy positions using a remote electromagnetic beam, then unleashed to wreak chaos and death on enemy ranks. The weapon’s trademark buzzing quickly made it a favourite with crime syndicates, favoured for intimidation and enforcement purposes. Banned in most jurusdictions.

Holva Duel Blade

The finest blades money can buy. Putting art into death, forged from the purest alloys and available in a range of traditional and modern styles. Ceremonial and combat blades are available.

Kamorin Historical Weapons

Kamorin Historic Weapons are happy to provide the re-enactor and enthusiast with fully-functional replicas of weapons from a number of important historical eras. Our expert team of craftsmen use traditional materials and methods, with a modern eye of quality. Exploring and researching the annals of history, our artisans continue to bring you the best of weapons from throughout the ages.

💎 Minerals
Cherbones Blood Crystals

The unique magnetic flows found in the deepest caves of Cherbones have formed amazing crystals that are coveted for their beauty. These fragile structures are manually extracted at great personal risk. The local inhabitants train all their lives to learn the method for extracting the crystals. Many are lost on their first attempt.

Ngadandari Fire Opals

A particularly rich seam of high grade opals famed for their mesmerising fire-like reflections. Imperial citizens view them as a status symbol, representing the fire of the birth of the empire. Their high market value has lead to the planet being systematically strip-mined by Imperial slaves.

🤖 Machinery
Giant Verrix

This hardy beast of burden now found throughout human space, especially on the emerging worlds of the outer rim, but naturally bred Verrix are very rare and highly prized.

Non Euclidian Exotanks

Produced under licence, and with the approval of a number of environmental groups, these tanks can be used to create a truly alien habitat capable of sustaining life forms from a variety on non earth like environments. They are available in a number of mind bending shapes.

Volkhab Bee Drones

Guaranteed pollination every time! These miniature drones are supplied in the thousands to ensure your crops are fertilised whatever the conditions. Unlike natural bees, they can be used in conjunction with pesticides and can be supplied pre-coated with your choice of growth agents!

Wulpa Hyperbore Systems

Wulpa Engineering Systems are constantly working to improve and enhance on existing models, with the Wulpa Hyperbore System representing the latest in automated mineral extraction services.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Slaves
Master Chefs

Master Chefs are selected based on genetic markers that tend to favour an aptitude for the gourmet. Little is known about them except that they are kidnapped as children and then trained under mysterious conditions to bring out their genetic cooking potential. The use of Master Chefs is illegal in most Federal and Alliance systems, but is regarded as a sign of high status in many Imperial systems.

Many anti-slavery protest groups have tried to free Master Chefs from their life of culinary bondage, yet due to their training, most return of their own free will to serve. Theirs is a life of servitude - they know nothing but to cook.

🔨 Industrial Materials
Medb Starlube

The universal lubricator used in construction, machinery and agriculture. It also has a number of domestic applications. It's slogan is: the lube that keeps the galaxy spinning!

⛓️ Metals
Platinum Alloy

An ultra-strong metal alloy used in the manufacture of robotics, heavy machinery and weaponry. Due to the dangerous nature of mining and processing the alloy and fusing it with Platinum, most systems refused to produce it and the technique was almost lost. Now the factions of the Nahuatl system are the only people with the knowledge to create the metal.

Sothis Crystalline Gold

When gold is exposed to the rare gas coming from thermal vents on the sea beds of the twin Earth like planets in Sothis A5 and Sothis A6, it forms into a previously unseen crystalline structure unlike other crystalline gold. Scientists and engineers are only just beginning to discover the technological applications for this rare form of gold.

🎊 Event
Classified Experimental Equipment

Secretive technology required by Salvation for mass anti-Xeno initiatives.

Galactic Travel Guides

A where's where and a what's what of the Milky Way. This guide highlights the galaxy's top destinations and hot spots.

Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan Black

A masterpiece of engineering, the NVIDIA Geforce GTX Titan Black representss the cutting edge of display technology. These highly sought after graphics cards balance a sleek design with uncompromising performance and unparalleled processing power, making the GTX Titan Black one of the best display modules in the entire galaxy.

These three bonus goods were linked to an in-game event and are no longer available.

Source: Inara & Elite Dangerous Fandom