Summary of the adventure:

You receive an unexpected call from an enigmatic individual. Their voice, tinged with mystery, captivates you as they ask you to join them in unveiling a conspiracy.
Intrigued and curious to learn more about the matter, you feel your mind awakening to the idea of diving into an exhilarating investigation.
Ready to take on the challenge, you wonder what revelations await you and what role you will play in exposing this conspiracy.


Great exploration




Distance max

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The Celestial Odyssey

This is a fan-made adventure. It is not an official Frontier quest. The characters and lore exist, but the context is invented by the Dangerous Elite team.

You're back after the conclusion ofA Ghostly Tale, in your cabin on the Shkaplerov Hub in the Nyx system. An entire evening was spent recalling the events in your notebook, though without succeeding in finding sleep. The night was restless and short-lived, but the life of a Commander doesn't always offer the luxury of rest.

Your room in the Shkaplerov Hub station

Your room in the Shkaplerov Hub station

Anton Shkaplerov

Anton Shkaplerov, is a Russian cosmonaut born on February 20, 1972. He was selected as a cosmonaut in 2003 and has flown several space missions. Shkaplerov was also a member of the crew of the International Space Station (ISS).

As you prepare to face a new day, your datapad starts ringing, breaking the ambient silence.

"Hello CMDR, I hear you're looking for answers and hidden truths. I act in the shadows, but our paths will cross at Wilhelm Vision in the Esuvit star system. Make haste, my time is short.

Intimidated by this surprising message, but also fascinated, you feel the adrenalin pumping through your veins, as you are aware that a new and exciting mission is about to begin. Without further ado, you set off on this promising adventure.

Vessel in hand, you're on your way to the Esuvit system.

Vessel in hand, you set off for the Esuvit system.

Wilhelm Vision

You've finally arrived at this Terraforming station, under the direction of the famous Azgharie faction. Once you've docked your ship, a figure catches your eye, beckoning you to join her.

Wilhelm Vision Hall

The hall of Wilhelm Vision

Kate Wilhelm was a renowned American science fiction author. She wrote some 40 novels and 15 short stories, and won several awards during her career.

Kate Wilhelm

"HelloCMDR, my name is B, and I've been following you for some time. Your expertise and skills have impressed me greatly. However, let's not waste any more time. I need your help to solve a suspicious case. All you have to do is retrieve the logbooks of a mega-ship, which sounds like a simple enough task, doesn't it?

The only problem is that I don't have the precise coordinates of this space ship. Fortunately, my contact has sent me these messages containing clues as to its whereabouts. Once you've found the mega-ship, please send me its complete logs instantly, thanks to this marvelous technological device: a supragalactic transmitter."


Once you've climbed back aboard your ship and secured the transmitter, you begin to analyze these 14 riddles to get closer to the location of the mega-ship.

  • αʹ For starters, float where the nocher leads

  • βʹ Fourth in Greek of the Little Bear

  • γʹ Daughter of Gaia and Ouranos

  • δʹ Relieves aches and pains

  • εʹ Wife of the defeater of the Gorgon

  • ϝʹ Apollo transformed him into a hawk

  • ζʹ He flew too close to the Sun

  • ηʹ Son of the King of the Myrmidons

  • θʹ God of darkness

  • ιʹ Zeus' namesake under the presence of Sol

  • ιαʹ Achilles mount

  • ιβʹ Infernal goddesses of vengeance

  • ιγʹ King of the Titans

  • ιδʹ Finally, look for the zephirum.

Can you solve the riddles and find the right system?
The password is the first character of each puzzle.


gw5000 CMDR gw5000
26 July 3310
alfred toshiro
alfred toshiro CMDR alfred toshiro
26 July 3310
Balvald CMDR Balvald
26 July 3310


The following CMDRs have also completed this adventure: