Adventure summary:

You discover a mysterious story of hidden treasure in the galaxy. Your pirate instincts and, above all, your thirst for credit take over, and you set off in search of it...
Onward and upward, ship's boy!

The Recap

Difficulty Competent



Max distance

11 LY

La Buse's Treasure

This is a fan-made adventure. It is not an official Frontier quest. The characters and setting are invented by the Élite Dangereuse team.

« Another worthless abandoned base… » whispers the little voice in your head. You’ve been meticulously searching this abandoned base for 2 hours. You’re a few LY away from the Sol system, looking for something to sell.
You’re about to give up when your SRV’s scanner detects an electronic device a few meters from you. You dig out the object, which turns out to be a terminal…

The Cryptogram

Once you’re aboard your ship with your precious discovery, you begin to study its contents.
The only information you can read is a mysterious, incomprehensible note. You use your on-board computer to try and decode the message… Bingo!

I the Pirate Oliver Levasseur aka ‘La Buse’,
I’m writing this message to anyone brave enough to take up my challenge.

I’ve found a treasure somewhere in this galaxy.
To find it, you’ll think like it.
To find him, you’ll turn the same way.
13 times you will.

At its location you will stand.
And the treasure you’ll discover…

Hm… Strange message. At the bottom of the note, two things seem not to have been decoded by your on-board computer.

Zvggrenaq Ubyybj


You’ll have to decipher these two messages to find the treasure.

1 - There are two words that are important for the message n°1: ‘Turn’ and ‘13 times’.
2 - Take a good look at message n°2, the ‘X’ and ’Y’ don’t make you think of anything ?

Once the position has been found, go on to step 2

The treasure is yours!

Your flair has been right and you’ve managed to decode Pirate La Buse’s encrypted message. Congratulations!

Go where the message tells you to go and discover Oliver Levasseur’s ‘true treasure’, which is none other than the show unfolding before your eyes.

Congratulations CMDR, you’ve got the soul of a true pirate and you’ve solved the mystery of La Buse!

Oliver Levasseur (La Buse) was a famous French pirate. He amassed a great treasure that no one has ever found. Read the full story here.

Olivier Levasseur’s flag.

You can complete this puzzle automatically by connecting to the site with your Frontier account.

You can also share your pictures on discord in the channel #trophées !

Proofreading: CMDR Ben Carter Jr


Lucky Luv
Lucky Luv CMDR Lucky Luv

24 January 3309

CallOfScopy CMDR CallOfScopy

24 January 3309

Aymeric45 CMDR Aymeric45

25 January 3309


The following CMDRs have also completed this adventure: